Learn From the Experts
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Speed Up Your Cabinet Painting Jobs!
Are you tired of waiting for your cabinet doors to dry before recoating them with paint? Do you want to speed up your painting process and save time? Look no further than...
Bloxygen – Finish Preserver
Bloxygen is a product that aims to preserve the freshness of opened cans of paint, solvents, and adhesives. It does this by creating an inert gas barrier on the surface of...
Apollo Sprayers Blow Off Tool
Apollo Sprayers offers its Turbine Blow Off Tool. A handy air tool that runs from a user’s turbine system, directing warm, dry turbine air to blow work areas clean. The...
Apollo Sprayers Filter Stand
The Apollo Sprayers Filter Stand is an extremely handy and simple device that will save you hours of clean up and keep your workbench clean and free from spills whenever you...
How To Use Painter’s Pyramids
Painters Pyramids allow you to paint and stain all sides of an object without waiting for it to dry. Its rounded, non-stick point makes only minimal contact with the work so...
TIP: Dealing with Grain Raising
Whenever water or any stain or finish that contains water comes in contact with wood, it causes the wood fibers to swell, which is called “grain raising” or “raised grain.”...
Seven Types of Stain
We use the term “stain” to identify a colorant we apply to wood to change its color. But stains are not equal. Besides the obvious differences in color, there are at least...
Soy Gel™ Paint & Urethane Remover
The Soy Gel™ paint & urethane stripper sold by The Finishing Store is a consumer trusted remover that effectively removes multiple layers of paint, varnish, enamel,...
How Long Does Spray Paint Last?
Do paints expire? Many people will quickly proclaim - no - which is generally true as paints tend to last long. But is this true for spray paint? Spray paints don’t last as...
Why is a Respirator Important?
When spraying any paint or primer, it is essential to protect your lungs and eyes. Almost all paints contain hazardous chemicals that can cause cancer and other health...
June 2022 Product Spotlight
Bob Flexner Books For more than 30 years, Bob Flexner has been inspiring woodworkers with his writings and teachings on wood finishing. The best-selling author of several...
How Important is Surface Preparation?
Good surface preparation is a key to obtaining a stellar finish. Milling marks, fine scratches, and thin slivers of dried glue that may be barely visible prior to finishing...